We’re pleased to announce one of the biggest updates on our thermal simulation software! Please visit Mold Simulator and Frame Simulator pages for more information.

We’re pleased to announce SketchFX 3!
This is a list of the main features/improvements:

  • batch rendering (Ex version only);
  • new presets;
  • new filters;
  • UI improvements;
  • bug fixes.

You can download the new version from the user panel or directly from SketchFX web page (Ex only). Enjoy!

Cyber Week 2019

Black Friday deals are officially arrived! Every SketchUp plugin now is 30% off, just click here to get the extension you need!

We are excited to announce the release of AmbientOcclusion 2.5! This new version retains the same 1-click ease of use of the old AmbientOcclusion, but adds a lot of improvements:

  • Much faster interaction and responsivity
  • Added glass material coloring (both solid color and with SketchUp texture)
  • Added mirror material coloring and transparency (both solid color and with SketchUp texture)
  • Speed improvements and bug fixes

The new version of AmbientOcclusion free trial can be downloaded here.

After months of development, we are proud to announce AmbientOcclusion 2.0! Free trial here.

This is a brief summary of this version’s improvements:

  • photo-realistic materials
  • material editor
  • presets
  • speed improvements and bug fixes

Please have a look at this video for a brief introduction to the new features.

We just released Viz Pro 2 parametric modeling extension. You can get it here.

This new version brings a lot of changes compared to version 1.0:

  • Integration with OpenCascade CAD library
  • Support for NURBS curves and surfaces
  • Many modeling operations such as Fillet, Chamfer, Draft, Extrude, Revolve, Pipe, Loft, etc
  • Perform computations and output the result as Leader Text
  • Boolean Operations and Solid Modeling
  • Added useful widgets such as Sliders, Numeric Input and Preview
  • Major UI enhancements
  • Much improved stability
  • New User Manual
  • Parametric materials
  • Procedural textures

We’ve been working hard on optimizing SketchFX, our SketchUp artistic rendering plugin, to improve its speed. The latest and much faster version can be downloaded here.

We’re glad to announce that Bool for SketchUp, our new boolean operations and constructive solid geometry (CSG) plugin, is available for download here.